President Trump on DACA

President Trump has made pushes for the ending of DACA and has a lot of controversy going on around it. While I believe that illegal immigration is wrong and should be handled I believe this is in a different category. The children of these illegal immigrants are born in the United States and have been a part of the country since birth. While the fact of their parents coming to the country was illegal I believe they should not be punished and deported. This country is all they have known their entire life and many may not have family left in their parents originating country. This is an immoral move the president is making. This is of course just my opinion however.


  1. You're input on this situation is very interesting and I support that it should be handled differently. We all come from immigrants in reality, and a majority of immigrants come to America to reunite family. Some are in hopes of a minimum wage job to support their families. President Trump focuses too much on dividing this nation, it is indeed very sad.

  2. It's nice to see topics like these being discussed. I was also very surprised and honestly saddened to hear about DACA being repealed because it hits close to home.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You're thoughts on this topic are oddly unique. In so many words you are saying you support Trump and his views of banning people who are different because they are different, you only disagree because you feel it should be handled differently but you don't disagree with the morality of the situation which only ignites the situation more

  5. I really like your view on this topic it is cool to hear different sides of this argument and I definitely have to agree with all you said in this


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