
The past weekend consisted of a very politically controversial topic. The NFL had almost all of their teams either sit, kneel, or stay in the locker rooms for the national anthem playing. Whether or not you agree with the message they are giving is irrelevant on the sheer and utter disrespect all these teams showed. These players get to live in America and be free and safe to have their freedom of speech in which they should use. As public figures they should provide a platform in which they spread the word of the injustices happening in America. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them utilizing their free speech and nothing wrong with them supporting the people who have a hard time having their voices heard. However disrespecting the national anthem is not the way to do this. The mega millions these players make and the life style they live is owed directly to this country and what it stands for. The flag and national anthem are representations of the American way and the constitu

Weekend excitment

How I feel about getting to spend the weekend sleeping in the woods getting to do army things

The Equifax security breach

Image If you haven't heard of this story yet you might want to read into this and google it on your own. Recently the huge credit monitoring company Equifax has been hacked into and half of America's citizens have had their information and identity stolen. This company runs your credit for a loan that you apply for whether it's for a car, student loans or even just a credit card. This means that these hackers now have any information they need to steal your identity which includes your social security number. This means that more than likely all of us have been affected by this and will have a risk of our identities being used to apply for credit cards and loans, ultimately wrecking our credit. This is a huge breach and this company announced this news a few days after the fact giving the public less time to make steps to defend themselves against credit fraud. Whether they waited because they didn't know

President Trump on DACA President Trump has made pushes for the ending of DACA and has a lot of controversy going on around it. While I believe that illegal immigration is wrong and should be handled I believe this is in a different category. The children of these illegal immigrants are born in the United States and have been a part of the country since birth. While the fact of their parents coming to the country was illegal I believe they should not be punished and deported. This country is all they have known their entire life and many may not have family left in their parents originating country. This is an immoral move the president is making. This is of course just my opinion however.